Friday, 31 January 2014

Teen Angst Ttile Sequence and Opening Scene- Initial Idea

The Task 

We was given a task in a group of four (me, Naomi, Jared and Ollie) to create a title sequence and an opening scene of a teenage angst film which could be established on any idea we wanted. The group together was in charge of planning, filming and editing the film. 

My initial idea was planned out with very little detail to get the outline of the storyline. I therefore did a brainstorm to produce my ideas either further.

Once we had planned out our film, we started to make a story board which enabled us to have a clear view of what we wanted to film, for how long, what type of shot and whether we were using non-diegetic or diegetic sound. The story board also allowed us to decide to use a voice over within our film and what could go in it. The next step was then writing a script out for the voice over. 
This voice over, was the original voice over I had written. I wrote this, before any filming was complete as this voice over was complete to explain the story line and what was going to be on screen as we planned the filming through a storyboard.

Once the filming was complete, the first voice over I had written didn't quite fit the filming as when filming bits had to be added and bits had to be cut out for the story to make sense. This voice over fitted better with the my film and was better with the explaination.

With the first draft, not turning out the way we wanted and looked more like a horror film. The decision of re filming and re planning everything happened. This time, with the lesson learn of not completing the voice over until the filming has done makes it easier to write the voice over to fit in with what has been filmed in case additions were included when filming. Therefore, once everything was filmed and edited, I then wrote the voice over to fit perfectly with the new and final love triangle film.

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