Monday, 3 February 2014

Lists of shots

List of Shots

1.    Close up of alarm clock on bedside table
2.    Long shot of Charlotte in bed turning alarm off 

3.    Mid shot of Charlotte throwing her quilt of her to get up 

4.    Close up of slippers and feet going into them

Pan up to Charlottes face while she’s getting out of bed
5.    Mid shot of Emily stood up stretching 
6.    Long shot of Charlotte getting her dressing gown of the back of the door
7.    Shot of her going down the stairs
-behind going down the first set 

-in front going down the second set

8.    Close up of cereal 
9.    Camera side on with orange juice being poured into the glass 

10. Mid shot/long shot of Charlotte eating her breakfast 
11. Walking/bounding up the last few stairs 
12. Pj’s being thrown onto the bed 

13. Close up of Charlotte doing her hair
14. Mid shot of Charlotte getting her coat from the back of the door
15. Mid shot of Charlotte walking out the front door 
16. Match on action shot of Charlotte walking away from the door and up the drive 

17. Long shot of Charlotte walking across the field with best friends so they can be introduced 

18. Long shot of Charlotte and her three best friend walking from behind- match on action 
19. Long shot Yasmin pulls up in her car 
20. Mid shot of the popular group greeting Yasmin and open the door for her 
21. Long shot of Charlotte freezing when she sees the ‘popular’ group 
22. Long shot of Charlotte standing there frozen 
23. Long shot of the popular group standing together where Blake is introduced 
24. Close up Charlotte 
25. Flash back happens- Long shot of Charlotte walking down corridor, Mid shot of Yasmin walking the other way
26. Mid shot of Yasmin and Charlotte bumping into each other 
27. Mid shot of Yasmin walking away and long shot of Charlotte walking in the opposite direction 
28. Close up of Charlotte
29. Close up of Yasmin looking pleased with herself 
30. Long shot of Charlotte looking uncomfortable 
31. Long shot of Charlotte walking away awkwardly

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