Thursday, 23 January 2014

Our First Draft

With the story board complete, we started to film. The title sequence was focused within my house in Charlotte's bedroom who is played by my little sister. With this easily accessible for me, I booked a camera and tripod from school and after school filmed the title sequence. When filming, I followed the story board to ensure that when it came to editing it would be rarely easy with everything filmed, I filmed everything for a little longer than what it said on the sheet, which ensured everything was filmed and nothing was missed out. I filmed up to shot 9 which were all the shots into my house and by the time I had finished filming it was dark outside so therefore I couldn't film the next part. The next day, when I came to edit, I just uploaded everything I filmed to see what it looked like. Once I uploaded everything in final cut pro, it all seemed dark and gloomy. I put the filming into order and cut everything out that wasn't needed. Once this was complete, we decided it looked more like a horror than a teenage angst film. Therefore, with this we decided to re film, with a total new idea. With this to plan, created us more work but our draft just didn't work.

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