Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Love Triangle Audience Feedback

When we presented our first draft of 'Love Triangle', we received positive and negative feedback from an audience in order for us to go back and improve it to the best of  our ability for the final submission. However, our first draft was going to be filmed into two parts, the title sequence and the opening scene as they both filmed in different location, this meant the filming could be done separately. Therefore, I went and filmed the title sequence, once it was filmed and ready to edit, I didn't like how it had turned up. I started to edit it, thinking maybe it'll look better when put altogether. However once put together we got feedback such as;

-Miss Bacchus said; 'the shots are too dark therefore makes it look like a horror.'
-Laura Dawson said; 'the shots are on the screen for too long.'
-Aoife said; 'it was too short'

However, with the comment of it being too short, potentially it was only half of it, as we didn't end up filming the opening sequence as I didn't like what was already filmed. After I completed to edit it, it was viewed for an audience where we got positive and negative feedback.

Positive Feedback;

- Over the shoulder shot looked good
- Good mise-en-scene by using hair grips, pictures on the mirror, headphones and make up which are stereotypical for a teenage girl's bedroom
- Good up beat music
- good range of shots

Negative feedback;

- Lighting was too low key
-Include a voice over
- Titles need to be added
- Need transitions
- Shots are too long

With the decision of the title sequence not looking how I wanted it to, I decided to not film the opening scene and re film from scratch and with this feedback backed up my decision. Using the feedback given to me by people surrounding me and the audience, I created a new story board and re filmed everything considering everything I didn't for my first draft. I considered, the time of day to get high key lighting when Charlotte is in her house. I choose a day that wasn't bright for when we filmed the opening scene of Charlotte introducing the 'popular' group. This time I filmed everything in two days, therefore went and edited everything together.

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