Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Gravity and Self Gaint's Characters.

Gravity I found a review of an astronauts thought on the film ‘Gravity’, I thought this was effective as he would understand what being in space is like as he would have experienced it. He felt that the scene where Sandra Bullock flips out of her spacesuit in a couple of seconds very amusing, this is because he knows that to do that is impossible. He says it takes about three minutes to wriggle into the upper torso section and he says for what she is wearing underneath it is not appropriate when they do the job. He says under the spacesuit they wear long-johns, a cooling suit which is covered in narrow tubes that are filled up with water and a nappy this is because a spacewalk usually lasts about eight hours and this design is the only way to keep them well-hydrated. He says he understands why the film has been with Sandra in them clothing as if she was wearing a nappy the tickets wouldn’t sell. He also believes that her character as an engineer sent to attach some device to the Hubble telescope on a spacewalk after just six months of training is unlikely. However, astronauts do go up with that experience but much rather a space tourist not a fully-fledged astronaut. He also says the shuttle that Bullock and Clooney use to get to the ISS has actually been retired and the only vehicle they use to get there and back today is the Russian Soyuz rocket. However, he does say the film does capture what it is like to be in zero gravity, how difficult it is to move, how they have to struggle to stop themselves from just rotating endlessly. The Selfish Giant Characters; • Conner Chapman as Arbor • Shaun Thomas as Swifty • Sean Gilder as Kitten • Lorraine Ashbourne as Mary • Ian Burfield as Mick Brazil • Steve Evets as Price Drop Swift • Siobhan Finneran as Mrs. Swift • Ralph Ineson as Johnny Jones • Rebecca Manley as Michelle 'Shelly' Fenton • Rhys McCoy as Daniel • Elliott Tittensor as Martin Fenton • Kayle Stephens as chip & pin driver

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