Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Company Logos

Dream works connotes a high budget productions. The lighting used lights up the edge of the clouds which emphasises the little boy fishing from the moon. The little boy fishing from the moon connotes, the film production is made for everyone as he could catch anyone from fishing. The little boy also connotes the film audience of children. With the image being high in the sky above the clouds, connotes the high status of the production company.  Dream works production has clouds and stars which emphasises a fantasy genre.

Film 4 connotes with the number 4 being emphasises it shows a variety of different films. This represents the genre as being world wide along side with the audience as different genres attract different audiences. The colour white used on top of the red background connotes the importance of the word 'film'. This indicates the production produces films. The red background stands out and is eye catching to the audience as its a bright colour. However, with the simple being simple and bold, plain writing connotes the films shown through this production are plain and simple. The number 4 suggests seasons of the year which connotes the production being produced all year round which attracts a world wide audience.

Take two productions connotes a low budget for the production as it represents the production as doing it twice. This connotes, the first time doesn't go well or right therefore it has to be filmed twice. The two 'T's are on an angle of upwards this connotes the film as being onwards and upwards of improving.

 20th century fox connotes the production is a high budget as the lighting lights up the statue with the name of the production. This connotes the importance of the production and the bright colours attracts the audience. The lighting used are also film production lights which represents the production as being a film production. The low angle shot represents the importance as it's looking up to the production's statue which also shows its importance. The sun set in the background give the opportunity of the statue to stand out, with the dark calm colours used within the sunset allows the lighting on the statue to stand out. Also the low shot angle gives the opportunity of the statue being 3D, this shows the importance of the production. 

Paramount production connotes a high budget and high quality with the representation of using mountains. With the name 'Paramount' at the top of the mountain connotes the production is the highest production and well made. The stars placed in a circle also emphasises the high quality of the productions as it represents the rating of the production/film.The stars also connotes Disney and film production.

Warp production connotes a world wide audience with the symbol uses in the background. The shape of the logo is a circle which also emphasises on the world wide audience as it represents the world, with the name and logo inside the world. The shaping around the name 'Warp' is like lightening which connotes the high quality of the productions. This also connotes the production as having a high budget.

 The Walt Disney logo uses an image of a castle in the background, the castle are buildings which is associated with high class and powerful people. This represents Walt Disney as being high quality and high budgeted. The lighting lights up the castle with the background dark and calm colours around it which emphasises the importance of the castle as it sounds out. The colour purple is used in the sky and the water in front of the castle, this gives a calm and shine to the logo. Walt Disney is also written in silver which represents class.

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