Target Audience Profile
For my target audience research I created a questionnaire of 14 questions which were based on film, genre and their overall personality. My survey (below) was given to the girl and boy I used to create a target audience profile on, Amy and Lewis.
For further information, I also got a group of 13-14 years old and a group of 17-18 year old to fill in the same survey; this enabled to me get realistic and accurate results.
From the 13-14 year old who took my questionnaire, 83% were female and 17% were male. Out of the females; 67% live in Eynesbury, 16% live in Loves Farm and 17% live in St Neots. Throughout this survey it told me they enjoy Rom com 40%, comedy 20%, romantic 20% and horror 20%. In their spare time watching TV or completing their hobby Dance were both 40% each with running being 20%. Although they were the age of 13-14 80% of them had a part time job with 100% of them wearing tops and jeans, from either Topshop, Newlook or river island. The survey told me 80% enjoy Hollywood Blockbuster film compared to the 20% who like British films. Their favourite subjects within school are maths and art of 40% and media of 20%, however, with media only being 20%, I asked them what they wanted to be when they are older, 60% said media based which is odd in the result of their favourite subjects, 20% had no idea and 20% said hair and beauty. My overall survey told me they all have busy social life, all like the same kind of music which was Pop and to all them the most important thing to them are their friends, family or music.
With the 17% of boy results, were similar but in a way very different to the female results. His results said he also lives in Eynesbury, his favourite genre of film is adventure which is different to the female results and in his spare time he likes to read. The results of male also show they wear the casual clothing of jeans and tops and the results show 100% prefer British films with their favourite subject as being German. The results shows that 100% males want to become an author when they are older and similar to females also have a busy social life.
With the results from the age group 17-18 years old 67% were females and 33% were males. The results showed the 67% lived in St. Neots, 17% in Eynesbury and 16% in Eaton Socon. The genre of film choice was comedy and action were the same at 33% and romance and horror were the same with 17% which is different to the younger age group. From my results 67% had a part time job compared to the 44% who didn’t which is a lower result than the younger age group, however, you would have thought the older age group was a higher percentage of having a part time job as they have more of a choice. The results showed that 100% of them wore jeans, tops and hoodies all from either, Newlook, Topshop, JD, Boohoo or Superdry. The results showed that 100% of them liked Hollywood blockbusters which were also different to the younger age group as there was a variety. Their favourite subjects results were sport and business as 34% each and 32% for media with their careers in all different paths as they are older and are certain on what they want to do in the future. The music results showed that pop and R and B were 33% and 17% for both Indie and a variety. The most important thing to 83% of them were there phone with 17% their family meant the most to them. The results also showed they have busy social lives similar to the younger age group.
Age: The age of my target group is age 13-18 but my film is specifically aimed at teenagers.
Gender: My film is aimed at both genders, but as the character who is bullying is played by a female, females may be able to relate to it more.
Class: My film will be aimed at the E class because it involves students who are aged 13-15 who preferably won’t have part time jobs and will be unemployed and are students. Also the class could be in the D class with students of 16-18 who may have part time jobs but could also fall within the E class as their part time job could be classed as casual workers.
Race: My film is aimed at all races
Geographical Location: Our film will be aimed at teenagers around Cambridgeshire but could also have a worldwide audience.
We feel aiming our film at the target audience of 13-18 year old will be the most successful audience to watch our film. This is reasonable because our film contains two story lines that teenagers can relate to; bullying and relationships. Our film has the target audience of both genders, however, I feel that it will attract more of a female audience that most our characters are females therefore they can relate to it more as they can be put into the characters shoes themselves. However, with the story lines of bullying and relationships does relate to male audience as well.
We feel aiming our film at the target audience of 13-18 year old will be the most successful audience to watch our film. This is reasonable because our film contains two story lines that teenagers can relate to; bullying and relationships. Our film has the target audience of both genders, however, I feel that it will attract more of a female audience that most our characters are females therefore they can relate to it more as they can be put into the characters shoes themselves. However, with the story lines of bullying and relationships does relate to male audience as well.
Interests: Teenagers often like to go out and socialise with their friends, my results showed that most 13-14 years old are mostly out with their friends socialising. However, the age group of 17-18 year olds do have busy social lives but also focus on their a levels and their part time jobs more. The results also suggests that although 13-14 year old are sociable by going out with friends 60% of them said that they enjoy socialising over the internet via; Facebook or twitter. I feel the genre of teenage angst will be effective to our target audience as they are most likely to relate to the storyline and will also be effective as the characters are similar ages therefore can reflect on the storyline the most.
Beliefs: With our film, we want our target audience to believe in the storyline, therefore, doing a story line based on bullying is the realistic situation that occurs within teenagers. The storyline of the love triangle is also very believable for our target audience as the 'least' popular group stereotypically likes the 'popular' guy in school who is generally always with the 'popular' girl in school. Therefore, with two story lines, we thought there would be more of a chance that our target audience will be able to relate to our film, either by the bullying story or by liking the 'popular' guy.
Values: Our title sequence and opening scene importantly needs to introduce the characters effectively throughout their personalities. Therefore, Charlotte the 'least' popular girl was presented as stereotypically caring about what she looked like and what she wore, with only her few best friends.The 'popular' group was presented with the fashionable clothes, in cars and are good looking. The music we added needed to be effective to the storyline, therefore with Charlotte at home and with her friends, an up beat music was used to represent shes happy at home and with her friends. However, a sad and slow song was used when the two groups were seen together, this was to stereotypically suggest to the audience they don't get on and that Charlotte isn't happy with that part of her life.
Beliefs: With our film, we want our target audience to believe in the storyline, therefore, doing a story line based on bullying is the realistic situation that occurs within teenagers. The storyline of the love triangle is also very believable for our target audience as the 'least' popular group stereotypically likes the 'popular' guy in school who is generally always with the 'popular' girl in school. Therefore, with two story lines, we thought there would be more of a chance that our target audience will be able to relate to our film, either by the bullying story or by liking the 'popular' guy.
Values: Our title sequence and opening scene importantly needs to introduce the characters effectively throughout their personalities. Therefore, Charlotte the 'least' popular girl was presented as stereotypically caring about what she looked like and what she wore, with only her few best friends.The 'popular' group was presented with the fashionable clothes, in cars and are good looking. The music we added needed to be effective to the storyline, therefore with Charlotte at home and with her friends, an up beat music was used to represent shes happy at home and with her friends. However, a sad and slow song was used when the two groups were seen together, this was to stereotypically suggest to the audience they don't get on and that Charlotte isn't happy with that part of her life.
Excellent, very detailed particularly on psychographics and demographics. Well done