Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Evaluation 3:What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


What does a production company do? 

Production company is the company that is liable for physical production of either a new media, performing arts, film, radio or television program. The production company is involved in budgeting, scripting, casting and other aspects within the film making process. The production company are responsible, to finding the director for film, the costume designer and the whole cast  as well as the stands ins and stunt doubles if anything does go wrong when filming or off set.

Distributor and who?

Distributors are either an individual or an organisation that will represent our film at festivals and markets around the world to attract a global audience. For our film we chose Film4, we choose these because they are well-known company that have produced worldwide film such as; The Selfish Giant. Distributors will attempt to sell it to the television, airlines and other companies that show short films.

Where has funding come from?

With our film being low budget, local and an independent film, our option was fundraising for raising money to make the film which could be done with events such as car boots sales or wider range of events. There are also film companies that give money to independent films in order for the funding or it to be made to be covered, however, when it comes to fundraising for the making of the film, it involves determination and commitment with the right links for the fundraising to be successful. Also around are grants, sponsorships and loans available for films to fund their film making, although film companies have to work hard to get one of these as they are competitive and aren't that easy to get for the film.

Why has various people been names in our titles and why?

Names in our film include:

Directed by: Faye Prout and Jared Taylor-My name along with Jared was shown first within our titles, as the directors over see the whole film and has the most responsibilities throughout the film making process.

Produced by: Naomi Page and Faye Prout- This was the next title within our film, as producers work along with the directors such as myself, Jared and Naomi worked together to produce the film to the standards of the directors. Therefore, I teamed up with Naomi Page to ensure Mine and Jared's standards were met when producing our film 'Love Triangle'.

Filmed by: Faye Prout, Naomi Page and Jared Taylor- The next title was filmed by, which was completed by myself, Naomi and Jared, with working alongside each other to direct and produce the film, we worked together to film all the scenes and shots we wanted to meet the standards of our planning.

Music by: Jared Taylor and Ollie Aveling- The music we used for our film was found by Jared and Ollie, with specific music in mind to fit the storyline, they went looking all over the internet to find the perfect song for our film. The first song which is upbeat and happy was called Cut and Dry and with a slow song for the effect of the relationship between Charlotte and Yasmin.

Edited by: Faye Prout, Naomi Page, Jared Taylor and Ollie Aveling- For editing, all four of us took part to edit the film so all of us are happy with the final outcome. Without editing, it wouldn't be flowing and the storyline wouldn't have made sense. With editing, it enabled us to make the film shorter as it would have been to long, it allowed us to add music which is important for a film and allowed us to add transitions and sound effects such as the alarm clock which makes huge difference in the overall outcome of our film.

How is your film similar to other films in terms of institutionally? 

Our film will be released locally for teenagers all over Cambridgeshire, and then our film will be distributed around the UK. Our aim was to attract a global audience with our film, but we think it will be more successful with being distributed nationally which is similar to 'The Selfish Giant which is a british film that is released all over the UK.

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