This is our final title sequence and opening scene for 'Love Triangle'.
Friday, 7 March 2014
Thursday, 6 March 2014
Evaluation 1:In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Within my film 'Love Triangle' I used as many teenage angst conventions as possible. Shot one is a high angle mid angle shot of the title of our film, 'Love Triangle', our title is in pink and purple colours as these are stereotypical favourite colours of a teenage girl. The font of the title is serif curly style, which connotes teenage writing with all the curls and joining up the letters. My film was called 'Love Triangle' because Yasmin and Blake are together and are known as the 'popular' couple, however, Charlotte likes Blake and Yasmin hates Charlotte, therefore this creates a triangle between the three of them. Putting the word 'Love' into the title will attract a mass audience of female as teenage girls like romantic films.The title was placed in the bottom left corner, similar to the teenage angst 'Dear John', the title is simply added into the sea of the film, we did a similar style. We added it into the scene to make it look natural.
Shot two is the costume of Charlotte, she is wearing her pjs which is stereotypical of a teenage girl, these connotes that it is the morning and she is getting out of bed. The Disney characters of her pj top can represent her age group, which can represent her as still being immature as she is only 15.Charlotte's bedroom showing the purple. pink and green girly duvet connotes a teenage bedroom with the mise-en-scene of perfumes and sprays represents Charlotte's happy and bubbly personality.This is stereotypical for teenage angst film to do a bedroom scene of the teenager waking up which is normally for school, such as in Wildchild, the very first scene is Poppy in bed waking up and getting up as she realises she slept through her alarm and is now late. This shot also suggest the setting of Charlotte's bedroom showing the purple. pink and green girly duvet which connotes a teenage bedroom. The mise-en-scene of perfumes and sprays represents Charlotte's personality and how she cares about how she smells.
Shot three presents the font, throughout my film 'Love Triangle', each credit that was included used a different style, colour and size of font. The fonts were used different depending on the scene of filming it was being put into. This was because the font style and colour had to look suitable on top of the filming to ensure the font was naturally in the filming and not just added in to look like another layer. This is stereotypical of a teenage angst films such as; Easy A edits their credits and titles in within the scene to make them look naturally involved, this is what I was suggesting with my titles/credits. The colours were for each credit were bring colours that suggest teenagers, such as, blues, pinks, purple and green which represent teenage colours.
Shot four represents the camera work used props that were used. Shot four presents a close up of the prop used of a glass with orange juice being poured into it, this is a stereotypical breakfast drink for teenagers. The shot also presents a title that was added 'Music by' in the colour blue to represent a happy and calm mood.This is stereotypical for a teenage angst film, such as Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, Georgia, gets up for school and there is a scene after she is ready in the kitchen at the table eating her breakfast as its stereotypically known that teenagers eat breakfast before going to school.
Shot five shows the genre of 'Teenage Angst' and how my film 'Love Triangle' suggest the genre. Shot five, shows Charlotte doing her hair ready for school, which is stereotypical of a teenage girl, the convention of teenage angst of using teenage characters is also within in this shot of Charlotte being 15. This is stereotypical of a teenage angst as the audience are able to relate to it. This stereotypically shows that teenagers care about the way the look and take pride in what they look like, therefore this suggest the genre is Teenage Angst.Such as; in Mean girls the girls known as 'the Plastics' are constantly worried about how they look, they take time and pride of how they look and to make sure they are following the 'codes' of fashion throughout the week. These worries are stereotypically linked with teenagers as most teenagers worry about keeping up to date with the fashion and spend their time to look their best.
Shot six presents how the characters are introduced in my film and the editing. The characters are introduced within my film, but using a scribble circle, this directly points out the character clearly and makes it effective alongside with Charlotte's voice over. The scribble circle is stereotypical of a teenage girl as girls scribble round the books and paper, the colour blue was used to indicate which best friend was who as blue suggests calm and happy which for a teenage girl its stereotypical for their best friends to make them happy. The colour pink was used to circle Blake, as its a girly girl and used is common colour used for flirty personalities, therefore, this suggests the crush Charlotte has on Blake. The edited the lighting within this scene, to make the lighting more high-key to suggest a positive atmosphere that Charlotte has with her best friends. The scene after this, when Yasmin is introduced and within the flashback with Yasmin, the lighting was edited to make it low-key which suggests a negative atmosphere and connotes the unfriendly relationship between Yasmin and Charlotte.
Shot seven represents the special effects used within my film, this shot presents the 'blur' transition used on a close up of Charlotte's face. This special effect was used to connote to the audience that it is a flash back, this transition connotes the feeling of going back in time and with it after a close up of Charlotte suggests that Charlotte is thinking about it.This is used stereotypically in teenage angst genre, such as; mean girls Regina says she liked Kady's bracelet at the start of the film, later on in the film, Regina says to a girl she likes her skirt and then turns round to Kady and says its the worst skirt shes ever seen. A flashback is used of Regina saying to Kady she likes her bracelet, the flashback is used to suggest to the audience, that Regina didn't actually like her bracelet, therefore, it suggests Regina's personality but also Cady's and Regina's friendship.
Shot eight is the setting of Charlotte's school, where she feels most uncomfortable having to see Yasmin and Blake together. The Shot shows the audience just after Yasmin's group which aren't in a uniform, this shot shows Charlotte in uniform, therefore, this connotes she is younger than the 'popular' group and that she has less power than them. Although, in most teenage angst films, they are all wearing uniform, such as; Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, in the film it is obvious who is the 'popular' girl and who holds the power. To develop this, we used the same socialising groups of popular and least popular, but to develop from the original teenage angst films, we put the popular group in no uniform and there own style of clothes to suggest their power.
Shot nine is a close up of Charlotte after the flashback was shown. This shot is after the title sequence and half way through the opening scene, the title sequence suggest how happy Charlotte is when she's at home and that she stereotypically cares how she looks. At the start of the opening scene, it also suggest how Charlotte is happy and has a lively personality when with her friends. However, half way through the opening scene, Yasmin is introduced who is known as the 'popular' girl and is with the guy that Charlotte likes, a flashback is used to suggest the relationship between Charlotte and Yasmin which is how the story is set up and easily understandable.This is similar to the film 16 Wishes, Abby is the least popular girl and is invisible to everyone when Kristia is the popular girl. Everyone copies and wants to be Krista's friend, and Abby is pushed to side invisible and close ups are used throughout the film to suggest this to the audience and to stereotypically let the audience connect to Abby.
Evaluation 2:How does you media product represent particular social groups?
This is the popular girl in our film Love Triangle, she is called Yasmin.
Yasmin is pretty, long haired girl who wears designer clothes and jewellery, therefore she is seen as the 'popular' girl. With Yasmin wearing designer and fashioned clothes gives Yasmin every reason to go round thinking everyone loves her. With Yasmin wearing fashionable and expensive jewellery gives Yasmin the power and 'popularity' she wants. She wears make up and is always smiling as she has everything she needs, this is stereotypically of someone in this social group. The use of camera angle is a close up used, this connotes the importance of Yasmin as within the image shes in the central of it. Therefore, this connotes in the film that Yasmin is the center of everyone's lives, well tries to be anyway. The angle is a straight forward angle which is set right in front of her, this angle also makes her the center of attention which shows her personality of 'popular' and 'bitchy' character. Throughout film, Love Triangle, Yasmin is always the center of attention, to when it suggests she is in a relationship to Blake and to explain why her and Charlotte don't get on. This is stereotypical of the genre teenage angst, as the 'popular' and 'bitchy' girl is always center of attention within the film. Yasmin walks around in my film being center of attention this connotes that she is the popular girl and that she thinks everyone likes her. However, Yasmin is actually only with Blake for the popularity and doesn't really like him. Whereas, Blake is to blind to see it as he thinks being in a relationship with the most 'popular' girl is the best thing to do.

This is Regina George from the film Mean Girls. Regina is the popular girl in the film mean girls, she has her two best friends who are all known as the plastics in the film. Within my film 'Love Triangle' Yasmin has two best friends, Gemma and Lucy, which is similar to Mean Girls. Yasmin, Gemma and Lucy are known as the 'popular' and 'bitchy' group within the school, who think everyone likes them when actually they are just bullies and everyone is scared of them. Every girl, has pretty, long hair, designer clothes, jewellery and wear make up which is stereotypical for people in the 'popular group'. Therefore, Yasmin is played by Leah as she has the stereotypical long hair which is commonly known either blonde or brown, with the hair mostly being curly. Yasmin has the designer and fashionable clothes and jewellery which connotes she is the popular group. Yasmin having these characteristics, instantly suggests she is the 'popular' character as they are stereotypical.
This example is a close up which I used in my film with Yasmin, the angle is also straight in front of Regina, which connotes Regina is the center of attention. The mise-en-scene of jewellery and the designer clothes are also used within Mean Girls which is similar to our film Love Triangle. Regina also likes happy and pleased with herself, as in Mean Girls although she is seen as the 'popular' and 'bitchy' character everyone does look up to her. However, this is only because everyone is intimidated by her as she is a bully.
This is the popular guy in our film Love Triangle, he is called Blake.
Blake has short, blonde hair, good looking, popular, sporty, ladies man, always smiling which is stereotypical for a popular guy in a film. With these characteristics alone indicate that Blake is the popular guy because he stereotypically has the correct characteristics. Blake has the fashionable style that all boys look up to and therefore is seen as a role model within the school. Blake's popularity is based on being in a relationship with Yasmin, he thinks this is the most important feature in his life to ensure popularity. However, Blake is a kind, caring, loving and respectable lad that he would be 'popular' and still have his friends even if he wasn't with Yasmin. Blake's best friend Joe, isn't a fan of Yasmin and does see her for her true colours, however he does things for her and is nice to her and he does believe that Blake likes her. However, Blake is the only one that knows he has feelings for her, but is only with her because he knows it looks good on him. Everyone knows who the popular guy is even if their not part of their social group. Blake is always smiling and happy because he is known within the 'popular' group and it hasn't always been that way, therefore being with Yasmin makes him happy because of being called part of the 'popular' group. However, throughout the film, Blake does reseal this isn't as important as he thought and he realised that it is not what he wanted. He realises, that he doesn't need to be in the popular group to be liked because if Joe was his real friend that wouldn't matter. Blake realises that he does has feelings for Charlotte and despite what anyone thinks he goes through with his feelings.
Austin is the popular guy from A Cinderella Story. Austin has short blonde hair, sporty, ladies man, popular and addressed by everyone.In a Cinderella Story everyone knows who Austin is and therefore he is seen as the popular girl, within sports he is seen as the game changer where people believe he changes the game when he plays. As a counter type of a popular boy they break up with the popular girl to be with the less popular girl which shocks everyone. This was a shock as the popular social group don't go below their social standards. This is similar to Love triangle as Blake splits up with Yasmin and goes out with the less popular girl, Charlotte.
This is less popular girl, known as no body, Charlotte. Charlotte is quiet, overlooked, good in school, sinks into the background, keeps herself to herself and friends, good person and not recognised. Charlotte just interacts with her friend group and that it, she's invisible to everyone, she's a lovely girl who cares very much about her friends, this is stereotypical for a less popular girl.Charlotte wishes she was part of the 'popular' group which is stereotypical for a girl with less popularity. Charlotte likes the popular guy, Blake however he's with the 'popular' girl, which is similar in Teenage Angst films A Cinderella Story as well, when Austin is with the popular girl and the less popular girl 'Sam' likes him and in the end he realises he doesn't want to be with the popular girl and does like Sam.
This is Abby Jenson from the film 16 wishes. In 16 wishes, Abbey has her best friend and that's it, she's invisible to everyone else and treated badly by everyone. She is quiet, keeps herself to herself and just wants to be happy, she's good in school and becomes vice-president of the school.This is similar to Charlotte as she is invisible, and has the popular girl as her enemy which is stereotypical of a teenage angst. 16 Wishes also has the similarity of the less popular girl and the popular girl liking the same guy with the result of the less popular girl winning the guy, this is very stereotypical of a teenage angst.
Yasmin is pretty, long haired girl who wears designer clothes and jewellery, therefore she is seen as the 'popular' girl. With Yasmin wearing designer and fashioned clothes gives Yasmin every reason to go round thinking everyone loves her. With Yasmin wearing fashionable and expensive jewellery gives Yasmin the power and 'popularity' she wants. She wears make up and is always smiling as she has everything she needs, this is stereotypically of someone in this social group. The use of camera angle is a close up used, this connotes the importance of Yasmin as within the image shes in the central of it. Therefore, this connotes in the film that Yasmin is the center of everyone's lives, well tries to be anyway. The angle is a straight forward angle which is set right in front of her, this angle also makes her the center of attention which shows her personality of 'popular' and 'bitchy' character. Throughout film, Love Triangle, Yasmin is always the center of attention, to when it suggests she is in a relationship to Blake and to explain why her and Charlotte don't get on. This is stereotypical of the genre teenage angst, as the 'popular' and 'bitchy' girl is always center of attention within the film. Yasmin walks around in my film being center of attention this connotes that she is the popular girl and that she thinks everyone likes her. However, Yasmin is actually only with Blake for the popularity and doesn't really like him. Whereas, Blake is to blind to see it as he thinks being in a relationship with the most 'popular' girl is the best thing to do.

This is Regina George from the film Mean Girls. Regina is the popular girl in the film mean girls, she has her two best friends who are all known as the plastics in the film. Within my film 'Love Triangle' Yasmin has two best friends, Gemma and Lucy, which is similar to Mean Girls. Yasmin, Gemma and Lucy are known as the 'popular' and 'bitchy' group within the school, who think everyone likes them when actually they are just bullies and everyone is scared of them. Every girl, has pretty, long hair, designer clothes, jewellery and wear make up which is stereotypical for people in the 'popular group'. Therefore, Yasmin is played by Leah as she has the stereotypical long hair which is commonly known either blonde or brown, with the hair mostly being curly. Yasmin has the designer and fashionable clothes and jewellery which connotes she is the popular group. Yasmin having these characteristics, instantly suggests she is the 'popular' character as they are stereotypical.
This example is a close up which I used in my film with Yasmin, the angle is also straight in front of Regina, which connotes Regina is the center of attention. The mise-en-scene of jewellery and the designer clothes are also used within Mean Girls which is similar to our film Love Triangle. Regina also likes happy and pleased with herself, as in Mean Girls although she is seen as the 'popular' and 'bitchy' character everyone does look up to her. However, this is only because everyone is intimidated by her as she is a bully.

Blake has short, blonde hair, good looking, popular, sporty, ladies man, always smiling which is stereotypical for a popular guy in a film. With these characteristics alone indicate that Blake is the popular guy because he stereotypically has the correct characteristics. Blake has the fashionable style that all boys look up to and therefore is seen as a role model within the school. Blake's popularity is based on being in a relationship with Yasmin, he thinks this is the most important feature in his life to ensure popularity. However, Blake is a kind, caring, loving and respectable lad that he would be 'popular' and still have his friends even if he wasn't with Yasmin. Blake's best friend Joe, isn't a fan of Yasmin and does see her for her true colours, however he does things for her and is nice to her and he does believe that Blake likes her. However, Blake is the only one that knows he has feelings for her, but is only with her because he knows it looks good on him. Everyone knows who the popular guy is even if their not part of their social group. Blake is always smiling and happy because he is known within the 'popular' group and it hasn't always been that way, therefore being with Yasmin makes him happy because of being called part of the 'popular' group. However, throughout the film, Blake does reseal this isn't as important as he thought and he realised that it is not what he wanted. He realises, that he doesn't need to be in the popular group to be liked because if Joe was his real friend that wouldn't matter. Blake realises that he does has feelings for Charlotte and despite what anyone thinks he goes through with his feelings.
This is less popular girl, known as no body, Charlotte. Charlotte is quiet, overlooked, good in school, sinks into the background, keeps herself to herself and friends, good person and not recognised. Charlotte just interacts with her friend group and that it, she's invisible to everyone, she's a lovely girl who cares very much about her friends, this is stereotypical for a less popular girl.Charlotte wishes she was part of the 'popular' group which is stereotypical for a girl with less popularity. Charlotte likes the popular guy, Blake however he's with the 'popular' girl, which is similar in Teenage Angst films A Cinderella Story as well, when Austin is with the popular girl and the less popular girl 'Sam' likes him and in the end he realises he doesn't want to be with the popular girl and does like Sam.
This is Abby Jenson from the film 16 wishes. In 16 wishes, Abbey has her best friend and that's it, she's invisible to everyone else and treated badly by everyone. She is quiet, keeps herself to herself and just wants to be happy, she's good in school and becomes vice-president of the school.This is similar to Charlotte as she is invisible, and has the popular girl as her enemy which is stereotypical of a teenage angst. 16 Wishes also has the similarity of the less popular girl and the popular girl liking the same guy with the result of the less popular girl winning the guy, this is very stereotypical of a teenage angst.
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Evaluation 3:What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
What does a production company do?
Production company is the company that is liable for physical production of either a new media, performing arts, film, radio or television program. The production company is involved in budgeting, scripting, casting and other aspects within the film making process. The production company are responsible, to finding the director for film, the costume designer and the whole cast as well as the stands ins and stunt doubles if anything does go wrong when filming or off set.
Distributor and who?
Distributors are either an individual or an organisation that will represent our film at festivals and markets around the world to attract a global audience. For our film we chose Film4, we choose these because they are well-known company that have produced worldwide film such as; The Selfish Giant. Distributors will attempt to sell it to the television, airlines and other companies that show short films.
Where has funding come from?
With our film being low budget, local and an independent film, our option was fundraising for raising money to make the film which could be done with events such as car boots sales or wider range of events. There are also film companies that give money to independent films in order for the funding or it to be made to be covered, however, when it comes to fundraising for the making of the film, it involves determination and commitment with the right links for the fundraising to be successful. Also around are grants, sponsorships and loans available for films to fund their film making, although film companies have to work hard to get one of these as they are competitive and aren't that easy to get for the film.
Why has various people been names in our titles and why?
Names in our film include:
Directed by: Faye Prout and Jared Taylor-My name along with Jared was shown first within our titles, as the directors over see the whole film and has the most responsibilities throughout the film making process.
Produced by: Naomi Page and Faye Prout- This was the next title within our film, as producers work along with the directors such as myself, Jared and Naomi worked together to produce the film to the standards of the directors. Therefore, I teamed up with Naomi Page to ensure Mine and Jared's standards were met when producing our film 'Love Triangle'.
Filmed by: Faye Prout, Naomi Page and Jared Taylor- The next title was filmed by, which was completed by myself, Naomi and Jared, with working alongside each other to direct and produce the film, we worked together to film all the scenes and shots we wanted to meet the standards of our planning.
Music by: Jared Taylor and Ollie Aveling- The music we used for our film was found by Jared and Ollie, with specific music in mind to fit the storyline, they went looking all over the internet to find the perfect song for our film. The first song which is upbeat and happy was called Cut and Dry and with a slow song for the effect of the relationship between Charlotte and Yasmin.
Edited by: Faye Prout, Naomi Page, Jared Taylor and Ollie Aveling- For editing, all four of us took part to edit the film so all of us are happy with the final outcome. Without editing, it wouldn't be flowing and the storyline wouldn't have made sense. With editing, it enabled us to make the film shorter as it would have been to long, it allowed us to add music which is important for a film and allowed us to add transitions and sound effects such as the alarm clock which makes huge difference in the overall outcome of our film.
How is your film similar to other films in terms of institutionally?
Our film will be released locally for teenagers all over Cambridgeshire, and then our film will be distributed around the UK. Our aim was to attract a global audience with our film, but we think it will be more successful with being distributed nationally which is similar to 'The Selfish Giant which is a british film that is released all over the UK.
Monday, 3 March 2014
Evaluation 4:Who would be the audience for your media product?
Target Audience Profile
For my target audience research I created a questionnaire of 14 questions which were based on film, genre and their overall personality. My survey (below) was given to the girl and boy I used to create a target audience profile on, Amy and Lewis.
For further information, I also got a group of 13-14 years old and a group of 17-18 year old to fill in the same survey; this enabled to me get realistic and accurate results.
From the 13-14 year old who took my questionnaire, 83% were female and 17% were male. Out of the females; 67% live in Eynesbury, 16% live in Loves Farm and 17% live in St Neots. Throughout this survey it told me they enjoy Rom com 40%, comedy 20%, romantic 20% and horror 20%. In their spare time watching TV or completing their hobby Dance were both 40% each with running being 20%. Although they were the age of 13-14 80% of them had a part time job with 100% of them wearing tops and jeans, from either Topshop, Newlook or river island. The survey told me 80% enjoy Hollywood Blockbuster film compared to the 20% who like British films. Their favourite subjects within school are maths and art of 40% and media of 20%, however, with media only being 20%, I asked them what they wanted to be when they are older, 60% said media based which is odd in the result of their favourite subjects, 20% had no idea and 20% said hair and beauty. My overall survey told me they all have busy social life, all like the same kind of music which was Pop and to all them the most important thing to them are their friends, family or music.
With the 17% of boy results, were similar but in a way very different to the female results. His results said he also lives in Eynesbury, his favourite genre of film is adventure which is different to the female results and in his spare time he likes to read. The results of male also show they wear the casual clothing of jeans and tops and the results show 100% prefer British films with their favourite subject as being German. The results shows that 100% males want to become an author when they are older and similar to females also have a busy social life.
With the results from the age group 17-18 years old 67% were females and 33% were males. The results showed the 67% lived in St. Neots, 17% in Eynesbury and 16% in Eaton Socon. The genre of film choice was comedy and action were the same at 33% and romance and horror were the same with 17% which is different to the younger age group. From my results 67% had a part time job compared to the 44% who didn’t which is a lower result than the younger age group, however, you would have thought the older age group was a higher percentage of having a part time job as they have more of a choice. The results showed that 100% of them wore jeans, tops and hoodies all from either, Newlook, Topshop, JD, Boohoo or Superdry. The results showed that 100% of them liked Hollywood blockbusters which were also different to the younger age group as there was a variety. Their favourite subjects results were sport and business as 34% each and 32% for media with their careers in all different paths as they are older and are certain on what they want to do in the future. The music results showed that pop and R and B were 33% and 17% for both Indie and a variety. The most important thing to 83% of them were there phone with 17% their family meant the most to them. The results also showed they have busy social lives similar to the younger age group.
Age: The age of my target group is age 13-18 but my film is specifically aimed at teenagers.
Gender: My film is aimed at both genders, but as the character who is bullying is played by a female, females may be able to relate to it more.
Class: My film will be aimed at the E class because it involves students who are aged 13-15 who preferably won’t have part time jobs and will be unemployed and are students. Also the class could be in the D class with students of 16-18 who may have part time jobs but could also fall within the E class as their part time job could be classed as casual workers.
Race: My film is aimed at all races
Geographical Location: Our film will be aimed at teenagers around Cambridgeshire but could also have a worldwide audience.
We feel aiming our film at the target audience of 13-18 year old will be the most successful audience to watch our film. This is reasonable because our film contains two story lines that teenagers can relate to; bullying and relationships. Our film has the target audience of both genders, however, I feel that it will attract more of a female audience that most our characters are females therefore they can relate to it more as they can be put into the characters shoes themselves. However, with the story lines of bullying and relationships does relate to male audience as well.
We feel aiming our film at the target audience of 13-18 year old will be the most successful audience to watch our film. This is reasonable because our film contains two story lines that teenagers can relate to; bullying and relationships. Our film has the target audience of both genders, however, I feel that it will attract more of a female audience that most our characters are females therefore they can relate to it more as they can be put into the characters shoes themselves. However, with the story lines of bullying and relationships does relate to male audience as well.
Interests: Teenagers often like to go out and socialise with their friends, my results showed that most 13-14 years old are mostly out with their friends socialising. However, the age group of 17-18 year olds do have busy social lives but also focus on their a levels and their part time jobs more. The results also suggests that although 13-14 year old are sociable by going out with friends 60% of them said that they enjoy socialising over the internet via; Facebook or twitter. I feel the genre of teenage angst will be effective to our target audience as they are most likely to relate to the storyline and will also be effective as the characters are similar ages therefore can reflect on the storyline the most.
Beliefs: With our film, we want our target audience to believe in the storyline, therefore, doing a story line based on bullying is the realistic situation that occurs within teenagers. The storyline of the love triangle is also very believable for our target audience as the 'least' popular group stereotypically likes the 'popular' guy in school who is generally always with the 'popular' girl in school. Therefore, with two story lines, we thought there would be more of a chance that our target audience will be able to relate to our film, either by the bullying story or by liking the 'popular' guy.
Values: Our title sequence and opening scene importantly needs to introduce the characters effectively throughout their personalities. Therefore, Charlotte the 'least' popular girl was presented as stereotypically caring about what she looked like and what she wore, with only her few best friends.The 'popular' group was presented with the fashionable clothes, in cars and are good looking. The music we added needed to be effective to the storyline, therefore with Charlotte at home and with her friends, an up beat music was used to represent shes happy at home and with her friends. However, a sad and slow song was used when the two groups were seen together, this was to stereotypically suggest to the audience they don't get on and that Charlotte isn't happy with that part of her life.
Beliefs: With our film, we want our target audience to believe in the storyline, therefore, doing a story line based on bullying is the realistic situation that occurs within teenagers. The storyline of the love triangle is also very believable for our target audience as the 'least' popular group stereotypically likes the 'popular' guy in school who is generally always with the 'popular' girl in school. Therefore, with two story lines, we thought there would be more of a chance that our target audience will be able to relate to our film, either by the bullying story or by liking the 'popular' guy.
Values: Our title sequence and opening scene importantly needs to introduce the characters effectively throughout their personalities. Therefore, Charlotte the 'least' popular girl was presented as stereotypically caring about what she looked like and what she wore, with only her few best friends.The 'popular' group was presented with the fashionable clothes, in cars and are good looking. The music we added needed to be effective to the storyline, therefore with Charlotte at home and with her friends, an up beat music was used to represent shes happy at home and with her friends. However, a sad and slow song was used when the two groups were seen together, this was to stereotypically suggest to the audience they don't get on and that Charlotte isn't happy with that part of her life.
Friday, 28 February 2014
Evaluation 5: How did you attract/address your audience?
For evaluation task 5 we had to upload our film to YouTube and by using their annotation tool too annotate our film of how it attracted and addressed our target audience.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Evaluation 6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Voice recorder
This is the voice recorder we used for our evaluation task 3 and also our voice over in our film. I found the voice recorder very easy to use, as you press 'rec' to record and 'stop' to stop recording, this will automatically stay on the voice recorder until deleted. It was easy to connect the voice recorded to the Mac PC and to place the voice over onto our film within seconds. When using the voice recorder for our evaluation task 3, it was just easy and simple, we'd all individually speak our part, and connect it straight up with the mac, click and drag onto our film and it was done in a few clicks, therefore, while using the voice recorder there was no problems with it.
Panasonic HDC-SD80 Full HD camcorder
To film 'Love Triangle' we used a Panasonic HDC-SD80 Full HD camcorder. I felt the camcorder was easy and simple to use, you press the same button to start filming and to end filming and with a screen on the camera that flips out to ensure the camera shot is accurate and just what you wanted as you can see what your filming. When filming 'Love Triangle' there was no problem with the camcorder and when connecting it to the mac to upload the footage we found no problems either.
To film our footage for 'Love Triangle' a tripod was always used to ensure stable and steady footage when it came to uploading it. The tripod was used to ensure the camera was not shaking so it saved us time as we had to film it once with the tripod knowing it would be accurate and stable and not worrying about the shaky hands. The tripod was very useful and easy to use when it came to filming, with the stand on it being adjusted to higher or lower heights made filming anything easy as it was easily adjustable. At the start, we did have troubles connecting the camera to the tripod but I did learned how to connect it properly and safely, once that was learn there was no other problems as adjusting the height of the tripod was quick, easy and simple.The handle of the tripod was easy to use and you hold it and it twists the top of the tripod steadily and smoothly for the effect of panning and tracking characters.
Apple Mac book
We used an Apple Mac book to use final cut pro to edit our footage all together for produce our final of 'Love Triangle'. Our Mac gave us no problems and it didn't crash however, sometimes when it froze it was only a matter of seconds.
Final Cut Pro
Final cut pro was used to edit our footage together. At first, it was hard to use as not knowing what all the tools did, where they all were, how to insert footage, add titles and transitions made it difficult to put the footage together effectively. However, the more time spent on final cut pro, I learn everything I needed to know and enjoyed editing 'Love Triangle' as I knew how and what I was doing. Therefore, once I had picked up everything on the programme I needed to know, I didn't have any other problems after that. Luckily when using final cut pro there were no problems when using it, all footage easily was added to time line along with the voice overs, music, titles and sound effects.
These computers, were used throughout to find the music for our film, these were also used to use the software Photoshop on them to design our title. With bits being done on different computers and different accounts was confusing at first, but once something was completed, a memory stick was used to transfer it onto the mac, where everything was put into one folder so nothing was lost. Once the problem of thinking we'll loose work or won't be able to access something if we need it because something wasn't done, it was transferred onto the mac all in one folder to keep everything not only just safe but together. The normal computers would sometimes crash, therefore, if producing something, it was saved often and when doing something on our blogs saving things was important and if it did crash give it time to refresh itself, so this was a problem sometimes.
Memory Stick
This memory stick was linked directly to our mac, therefore no other groups could use this. This was the best way of organising it, as only our work was put onto the memory stick and only our group was using it therefore it was easily accessible. The memory stick was there to transfer music, title images, title designs, name designs and sound effects if found online. The memory stick was easy and simple to use to connect to either computer and was also useful for us to keep all our work in one place in a folder so nothing was lost. The memory stick was also there to use and was also successful with transferring data therefore, there was no problems with it.
Photoshop was used to design our production company logo 'Star Production' and also the title of our film. Photoshop was also used to complete evaluation task 1, of creating a collage of 9 specific shots of my film, Photoshop was used to put the images together to produce a collage which made it easier to talk about. Photoshop helped in evaluation task 7, where images were again made into a collage to make it easier to talk about, Photoshop enabled me to take two separate images, copy, paste and drag them both into a new page within Photoshop and save the images together. Sometimes Photoshop would crash while using it, therefore the lesson learn was to save regularly so if it did crash nothing was lost when working.
This is the voice recorder we used for our evaluation task 3 and also our voice over in our film. I found the voice recorder very easy to use, as you press 'rec' to record and 'stop' to stop recording, this will automatically stay on the voice recorder until deleted. It was easy to connect the voice recorded to the Mac PC and to place the voice over onto our film within seconds. When using the voice recorder for our evaluation task 3, it was just easy and simple, we'd all individually speak our part, and connect it straight up with the mac, click and drag onto our film and it was done in a few clicks, therefore, while using the voice recorder there was no problems with it.
Panasonic HDC-SD80 Full HD camcorder
To film 'Love Triangle' we used a Panasonic HDC-SD80 Full HD camcorder. I felt the camcorder was easy and simple to use, you press the same button to start filming and to end filming and with a screen on the camera that flips out to ensure the camera shot is accurate and just what you wanted as you can see what your filming. When filming 'Love Triangle' there was no problem with the camcorder and when connecting it to the mac to upload the footage we found no problems either.
To film our footage for 'Love Triangle' a tripod was always used to ensure stable and steady footage when it came to uploading it. The tripod was used to ensure the camera was not shaking so it saved us time as we had to film it once with the tripod knowing it would be accurate and stable and not worrying about the shaky hands. The tripod was very useful and easy to use when it came to filming, with the stand on it being adjusted to higher or lower heights made filming anything easy as it was easily adjustable. At the start, we did have troubles connecting the camera to the tripod but I did learned how to connect it properly and safely, once that was learn there was no other problems as adjusting the height of the tripod was quick, easy and simple.The handle of the tripod was easy to use and you hold it and it twists the top of the tripod steadily and smoothly for the effect of panning and tracking characters.
Apple Mac book
We used an Apple Mac book to use final cut pro to edit our footage all together for produce our final of 'Love Triangle'. Our Mac gave us no problems and it didn't crash however, sometimes when it froze it was only a matter of seconds.
Final Cut Pro
Final cut pro was used to edit our footage together. At first, it was hard to use as not knowing what all the tools did, where they all were, how to insert footage, add titles and transitions made it difficult to put the footage together effectively. However, the more time spent on final cut pro, I learn everything I needed to know and enjoyed editing 'Love Triangle' as I knew how and what I was doing. Therefore, once I had picked up everything on the programme I needed to know, I didn't have any other problems after that. Luckily when using final cut pro there were no problems when using it, all footage easily was added to time line along with the voice overs, music, titles and sound effects.
These computers, were used throughout to find the music for our film, these were also used to use the software Photoshop on them to design our title. With bits being done on different computers and different accounts was confusing at first, but once something was completed, a memory stick was used to transfer it onto the mac, where everything was put into one folder so nothing was lost. Once the problem of thinking we'll loose work or won't be able to access something if we need it because something wasn't done, it was transferred onto the mac all in one folder to keep everything not only just safe but together. The normal computers would sometimes crash, therefore, if producing something, it was saved often and when doing something on our blogs saving things was important and if it did crash give it time to refresh itself, so this was a problem sometimes.

This memory stick was linked directly to our mac, therefore no other groups could use this. This was the best way of organising it, as only our work was put onto the memory stick and only our group was using it therefore it was easily accessible. The memory stick was there to transfer music, title images, title designs, name designs and sound effects if found online. The memory stick was easy and simple to use to connect to either computer and was also useful for us to keep all our work in one place in a folder so nothing was lost. The memory stick was also there to use and was also successful with transferring data therefore, there was no problems with it.

Photoshop was used to design our production company logo 'Star Production' and also the title of our film. Photoshop was also used to complete evaluation task 1, of creating a collage of 9 specific shots of my film, Photoshop was used to put the images together to produce a collage which made it easier to talk about. Photoshop helped in evaluation task 7, where images were again made into a collage to make it easier to talk about, Photoshop enabled me to take two separate images, copy, paste and drag them both into a new page within Photoshop and save the images together. Sometimes Photoshop would crash while using it, therefore the lesson learn was to save regularly so if it did crash nothing was lost when working.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Evaluation 7:Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
Since completing my Preliminary Task for my Feature Film opening, I have learn about new camera shots, angles, the different editing techniques and a variety of different ways to produce a short film. These have helped me when coming to film my film as its developed my skills and knowledge of making a successful short film.
Camera Shots
Firstly in my preliminary task we used 180 degree rule so that it would make sense for the audience, along with using long shots, mid shots and close ups. A long shot was used of Jared walking towards the door with a close up of Jared's hand on the door when opening it which showed the audience the door was the main feature and was part of the match on action editing technique.
Mid shots were used within the conversation between Jared and Peter to show the audience and to engage the audience on what their conversation was about. Shot reverse Shot was used between Jared and Peter, to emphasis the conversation and so the audience engaged on what each character was saying in the conversation.
Finally, long shots were used for the match on action to show the audience what the character was doing, where he was going and where the location of the scene was set in.
In my Preliminary Task I didn't focus as much on the framing as match on action, shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule had to be included, however, a storyboard was still produced for us to work with which told us what was needed in each frame and how long for. However, the story board was very brief and not detailed as it was simple to what needed to be included in the Preliminary Task. With this, their was consequences, with posters on the wall behind the characters and mise-en-scene that wasn't needed, as this was there this took the attention away from the characters.
However, within my feature film opening I focused a lot more on framing to the extent of planning with full detail what props I needed, how long the shot was being filmed for, what characters was needed in each shot and why the shot was being filmed which was important as I needed to ensure it fitted in with the genre of 'Teenage Angst'. This was also important as the shots would engage the audience in and give an understanding to the audience of the story line and where it is set to the relation of the characters. For example; the setting of Charlotte's bedroom connotes she is girly girl, with the pink and green quilt cover and curtains, perfumes and jewellery. With all this planned, made it easier and quicker to film as I knew what needed to be filmed down to the last detail
Mise-en-scene was focused more in my feature film opening than in my Preliminary Task. The lighting in our Preliminary task stayed the same throughout, with using high key lighting connotes the positivity of the characters. However, with a location and setting of the office door given to us with us having no choice, the lighting was a decision we was involved in, therefore, when filming my preliminary task I had to deal with the lighting I had within my location.
However, lighting in my film was more important, within the title sequence it needed to be high key but a little dark at the same.
This was because the high key connotes the happiness of Charlotte, however with it being a little dark connotes and gives the atmosphere of it being early in the morning which is stereotypical for a teenager to get up early to get ready for school.When Charlotte was with her three best friends, the lighting needed to be high key to set the happy atmosphere between them and to connote to the audience that Charlotte's friends make her happy.
When Yasmin and the 'popular' group are introduced, low key lighting was used to connote the negative atmosphere between the two social groups.
Costume wasn't important in our Preliminary Task as nothing was being portrayed by the way the characters dressed. This was because it was based on Jared walking through a door and having a conversation with Peter about how they both are, there, personalities weren't needed to be shown through costumes.
However, in my feature film opening, the costumes were very important. As the 'popular' group were in sixth form, this connotes their age group but also suggests they wear there own clothing, with the popular group wearing fashionable and designer clothes is stereotypical for the 'popular' group of the school. With Charlotte being in year 10 suggests shes doing her GCSE years, therefore with Charlotte being in school uniform this connotes not only the different social group but also suggests the storyline of Yasmin bullying Charlotte as she is younger, still in uniform therefore can be seen with less power.
Within my Preliminary task props such as chair and table, which is easily accessible for my preliminary task as the location was chosen with the consideration of a table and chairs needing to be behind the door as Jared has to walk through the door and sit at the table on a chair with Peter to be able to have the conversation. Therefore, with the location set up with the props ready, props wasn't really considered within my Preliminary task.
However, within my feature opening film, props were essential to my film to ensure the storyline makes sense to the audience. The first set of props I used in my film was Charlotte's phone and Ipod, this connotes the stereotypical of teenagers being obsessed with their phones and music.
The bed within the scene of Charlotte's bedroom was used to stereotypically connote to the audience that Charlotte is a girly girl through the colours in her duvet set and curtains. Slippers were used to put on Charlotte's feet to stereotypically build up the routine of a teenage girl getting ready for school.
The next prop I used was a bowl, this suggests Charlotte is getting her breakfast and is later on seen eating her breakfast from the bowl, this is stereotypical for a girls routine in the morning to get ready for school. Another prop was orange juice I used this because it is a stereotypical breakfast drink therefore this suggests that it is the morning and Charlotte is getting ready to go to school.
The prop of Pj's were used to represent the time of day which is the morning and to connote she is getting changed as they are slung onto her bed, Charlotte also uses hair grips which represents Charlotte as caring about her appearance which is stereotypical for a teenage girl.
Charlotte, Sophie and Courtney and all wearing similar green long coats, this connotes they follow fashion which is also stereotypical for a teenage girl. Bags are used to suggest the girls are going to school.
Yasmin is introduced in her car, this is stereotypical for a teenager as teenagers like to show off that they can drive just after they pass, this also presents her as being the 'popular' girl as the other 'popular' group are stood waiting to greet her.

In my Preliminary Task the setting wasn’t a choice to me, I was given the office door with a table and chairs behind the door. Therefore, with this setting given to me and little time to plan I had to improvise with the setting, such as the posters in the background, the desk behind the table and Miss Bacchus sat in her chair behind Jared and Peter.
However, in my feature film opening setting/location was personally to me the most important thing to consider within the film. The first setting within my film was Charlotte’s bedroom, where I made sure the Charlotte’s bedroom has the iconography of a typical girly girl teenage bedroom. The flowers and pink and green colours connote the stereotypical bedroom of a 15 year old teenage girl and also with the perfume, slippers, her phone and IPod to also represent Charlotte’s personality. There is also a short scene within the kitchen of Charlotte’s house where Charlotte gets her breakfast and a stereotypical breakfast drink of a glass of orange juice. This suggests the stereotypical routine for a teenage girl when getting ready in the morning for school. Another setting used was a field behind Ernulf sixth form, this suggested Charlotte was walking to school with her three friends. This scene was mostly used to introduce her three best friends, Sophie, Katy and Courtney. Next to field, I used the setting of the car park behind Ernulf Sixth form to introduce the ‘popular’ group, this setting was appropriate as Yasmin drove up in her car to connote her popularity. There is also a flash back of Yasmin and Charlotte bumping into each other in a corridor full of lockers within a school, this suggest to the niche audience of how they can relate to my film ‘Love Triangle’ as it’ll be the same target age group as the characters.
Mode of Address
Within my preliminary task, mode of address wasn’t very important as it was only 15 seconds long with little dialog. With my preliminary task, we focused mostly on the editing side to adjust and adapt to the editing software ready for when it came to editing our title sequence and opening scene, with this, there wasn’t much focus on the script. Within this, I learned the dialog is important within a short film, because in the preliminary task no emotions were shown and personalities weren’t built throughout. In my feature film opening the filming and editing parts are important.
Mode of Address in my film ‘Love Triangle’ are introduced throughout with a non-diegetic voice over of Charlotte, the voice over was important for my film, as there was no diegetic dialog, therefore the non-diegetic voice over, needed to explain what was going on but in a way that engaged the audience. Therefore, the voice over was written as it was telling a story to engage the global audience. Within the voice over, the tone of Charlotte’s voice was very important, with the voice being happy in the title sequence and when talking about her three best friends, however, the tone of voice needed to change in the car park scene and the rest of film when explaining Yasmin and the situation between them. This represents the social group and who Charlotte is comfortable and uncomfortable with.
Within my preliminary task, there was gestures, with little information this made me realise how important they are in a short film as they can help tell the story. The gestures of Charlotte in the title sequence represent her happy bubbly personality when she is at home, through when she is smiling and happy throws the quilt off her body so she can get up and out of bed. The way Charlotte is holding her bag on the way to school represents her as trying to become popular with the ‘look at me’ style of holding the bag. With the gesture of Joe putting his hand over his mouth when staring at Charlotte suggests he is laughing at her is part of the ‘popular’ group as he is joining in. The gesture of Blake and Yasmin holding hands represents them as the ‘popular’ couple and presents to the audience that they are couple. Within the scene in the corridor of school, Charlotte walks in, with her head down, this gesture represents her of being in a low social group and not popular and suggests she isn’t popular. When Yasmin bumps into Charlotte in the corridor she walks off with a little smirk on her face, this suggests Yasmin is pleased with herself. Right at the end, Charlotte walks off after being humiliated by the ‘popular’ group, while Charlotte is standing there alone, frozen and shocked, she fiddles with the fence, and this gesture suggests that Charlotte feels uncomfortable, unhappy and awkward.
Also with my preliminary task, I focused on sequencing which was important as the filming had to be in chronological order. This was because it was a conversation; therefore, it was important the conversation was chronological for it to make sense as Jared and Peter were asking how each other were. With this being successful in my preliminary task, I followed this skill through with my feature film opening with a story board planned to ensure this. With the chronological order of Charlotte getting ready for school, leaving for school, meeting her friends which gave Charlotte the opportunity to introduce them, to leaving it with introducing the ‘popular’ group and the hatred between not only the social groups but also Yasmin and Charlotte. It was important this was chronological or the audience wouldn’t have understood the storyline.
Another improvement and development from my preliminary task to my feature film opening was the effects such as; transitions and animations used. With my preliminary task simple and easy to edit, it didn’t include transitions and animations, therefore, adding them into my feature film opening would be a challenge. However, once I started and adjusted to the software, it was easier than I thought it would be.
The first transition I used in my film was a star transition from the company production logo to the word ‘Presents’, this transition was most suitable as it linked in with the company logo of ‘Star Production’, the slide transition was used on the word ‘Presents’ so it slide up and off the title while the title of film ‘Love Triangle slid in from the left onto the screen. To introduce Charlotte’s best friends and Blake, I used the animation of a scribble circle in a bright blue which connotes a happy mood to indicate which character was being spoken about in the voice over clearly. A pink scribble circle was used to indicate who Blake was while Charlotte explained who he was in the voice over. I used the colour pink to suggest happiness although Blake isn’t with Charlotte, he still makes her happy. I used scribble circles to make it clear to show what character was who as it looks like Charlotte has drawn them herself. For this to look realistic, I drew the circles in Photoshop quickly to make it look like someone has drawn it, I then in first cut pro, changed the colour to suit the mood and put a transition of clockwise on it, so the circle had the effect of being drawn on the screen. I also used a ‘blur’ transition on a close up of Charlotte’s face which connotes the flashback that happens afterwards and I also put the transition after the flashback which then went back to a close up of Charlotte which suggests Charlotte was thinking it which represents it was a flash back. Within the flash back, I changed the colour to make the lighting low-key which connotes the negativity between Charlotte and Yasmin. The corridor scene is Yasmin bumping into Charlotte and when they hit shoulders, I slowed the filming down to create an effect of tension. This was effective as it made it clear there was hatred for them, it explained the reason of why they didn’t get on and it made it clear the Yasmin and Charlotte made eye contact. I also added an effect which blacked out the corners of the screen which also added to the effect of it being a flashback.
Camera Shots
Firstly in my preliminary task we used 180 degree rule so that it would make sense for the audience, along with using long shots, mid shots and close ups. A long shot was used of Jared walking towards the door with a close up of Jared's hand on the door when opening it which showed the audience the door was the main feature and was part of the match on action editing technique.

Mid shots were used within the conversation between Jared and Peter to show the audience and to engage the audience on what their conversation was about. Shot reverse Shot was used between Jared and Peter, to emphasis the conversation and so the audience engaged on what each character was saying in the conversation.
My main improvement from my Preliminary Task to our feature film opening was the variety of different shots used, from extreme long shots, long shots, mid shots, close ups and panning.
After the Preliminary task I understood that the more variety of shots within my film will be better. An extreme long shot was used when Charlotte froze when seeing the 'popular' group, this connotes the tension and hatred between each group followed with a long shot afterwards showed the emotions from Charlotte. Another long shot of the 'popular' group staring and laughing at Charlotte connotes the awkwardness between both groups. This is followed with a close of Charlotte showing her emotions but the close up emphasises the next part of the film is a flash back which is shown with a transition. This suggests and tells the audience why there is hatred and tension between the 'popular' group and Charlotte. A close up of Yasmin after the flashback with hatred in her eyes emphasises that Yasmin and Charlotte don't get on...just because they like the same boy.
At the start there is a close up of Charlotte's phone and iPod, this connotes that Charlotte is stereotypically obsessed with phone and music which is stereotypical for a teenager.
Mid shots are used to show Charlotte getting out of bed which connotes a stereotypical teenager in the morning before school with the use of panning up Charlotte's body when she gets out of bed and stretches with a smile on her which suggest Charlotte is happy. Close up on the bowl of cereal and the glass of orange juice connotes that this is stereotypical for a teenager to do in the morning before school.
The throwing of the pj's on to her bed connotes that Charlotte is now getting dressed for school, with the emphasises of her throwing them on the bed and not just a still mid shot of the pjs on the bed make the storyline more realistic which engages the audience.
With my film a voice over is put throughout the title and opening sequence, which explains to the audience the story line and makes it clear to the audience who each character is and who they are to Charlotte. Match on Action was also used within my film to Charlotte walking out of her front door onto her drive which connotes she is walking to school, I did this because before she walks through a door, therefore doing match on action explains to the audience it isn't the same door and that Charlotte is now on her way to school.
In my Preliminary Task I didn't focus as much on the framing as match on action, shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule had to be included, however, a storyboard was still produced for us to work with which told us what was needed in each frame and how long for. However, the story board was very brief and not detailed as it was simple to what needed to be included in the Preliminary Task. With this, their was consequences, with posters on the wall behind the characters and mise-en-scene that wasn't needed, as this was there this took the attention away from the characters.
However, within my feature film opening I focused a lot more on framing to the extent of planning with full detail what props I needed, how long the shot was being filmed for, what characters was needed in each shot and why the shot was being filmed which was important as I needed to ensure it fitted in with the genre of 'Teenage Angst'. This was also important as the shots would engage the audience in and give an understanding to the audience of the story line and where it is set to the relation of the characters. For example; the setting of Charlotte's bedroom connotes she is girly girl, with the pink and green quilt cover and curtains, perfumes and jewellery. With all this planned, made it easier and quicker to film as I knew what needed to be filmed down to the last detail
Mise-en-scene was focused more in my feature film opening than in my Preliminary Task. The lighting in our Preliminary task stayed the same throughout, with using high key lighting connotes the positivity of the characters. However, with a location and setting of the office door given to us with us having no choice, the lighting was a decision we was involved in, therefore, when filming my preliminary task I had to deal with the lighting I had within my location.
However, lighting in my film was more important, within the title sequence it needed to be high key but a little dark at the same.
This was because the high key connotes the happiness of Charlotte, however with it being a little dark connotes and gives the atmosphere of it being early in the morning which is stereotypical for a teenager to get up early to get ready for school.When Charlotte was with her three best friends, the lighting needed to be high key to set the happy atmosphere between them and to connote to the audience that Charlotte's friends make her happy.
When Yasmin and the 'popular' group are introduced, low key lighting was used to connote the negative atmosphere between the two social groups.
Costume wasn't important in our Preliminary Task as nothing was being portrayed by the way the characters dressed. This was because it was based on Jared walking through a door and having a conversation with Peter about how they both are, there, personalities weren't needed to be shown through costumes.
However, in my feature film opening, the costumes were very important. As the 'popular' group were in sixth form, this connotes their age group but also suggests they wear there own clothing, with the popular group wearing fashionable and designer clothes is stereotypical for the 'popular' group of the school. With Charlotte being in year 10 suggests shes doing her GCSE years, therefore with Charlotte being in school uniform this connotes not only the different social group but also suggests the storyline of Yasmin bullying Charlotte as she is younger, still in uniform therefore can be seen with less power.
Within my Preliminary task props such as chair and table, which is easily accessible for my preliminary task as the location was chosen with the consideration of a table and chairs needing to be behind the door as Jared has to walk through the door and sit at the table on a chair with Peter to be able to have the conversation. Therefore, with the location set up with the props ready, props wasn't really considered within my Preliminary task.
However, within my feature opening film, props were essential to my film to ensure the storyline makes sense to the audience. The first set of props I used in my film was Charlotte's phone and Ipod, this connotes the stereotypical of teenagers being obsessed with their phones and music.

The bed within the scene of Charlotte's bedroom was used to stereotypically connote to the audience that Charlotte is a girly girl through the colours in her duvet set and curtains. Slippers were used to put on Charlotte's feet to stereotypically build up the routine of a teenage girl getting ready for school.

The next prop I used was a bowl, this suggests Charlotte is getting her breakfast and is later on seen eating her breakfast from the bowl, this is stereotypical for a girls routine in the morning to get ready for school. Another prop was orange juice I used this because it is a stereotypical breakfast drink therefore this suggests that it is the morning and Charlotte is getting ready to go to school.
The prop of Pj's were used to represent the time of day which is the morning and to connote she is getting changed as they are slung onto her bed, Charlotte also uses hair grips which represents Charlotte as caring about her appearance which is stereotypical for a teenage girl.

Charlotte, Sophie and Courtney and all wearing similar green long coats, this connotes they follow fashion which is also stereotypical for a teenage girl. Bags are used to suggest the girls are going to school.
Yasmin is introduced in her car, this is stereotypical for a teenager as teenagers like to show off that they can drive just after they pass, this also presents her as being the 'popular' girl as the other 'popular' group are stood waiting to greet her.

However, in my feature film opening setting/location was personally to me the most important thing to consider within the film. The first setting within my film was Charlotte’s bedroom, where I made sure the Charlotte’s bedroom has the iconography of a typical girly girl teenage bedroom. The flowers and pink and green colours connote the stereotypical bedroom of a 15 year old teenage girl and also with the perfume, slippers, her phone and IPod to also represent Charlotte’s personality. There is also a short scene within the kitchen of Charlotte’s house where Charlotte gets her breakfast and a stereotypical breakfast drink of a glass of orange juice. This suggests the stereotypical routine for a teenage girl when getting ready in the morning for school. Another setting used was a field behind Ernulf sixth form, this suggested Charlotte was walking to school with her three friends. This scene was mostly used to introduce her three best friends, Sophie, Katy and Courtney. Next to field, I used the setting of the car park behind Ernulf Sixth form to introduce the ‘popular’ group, this setting was appropriate as Yasmin drove up in her car to connote her popularity. There is also a flash back of Yasmin and Charlotte bumping into each other in a corridor full of lockers within a school, this suggest to the niche audience of how they can relate to my film ‘Love Triangle’ as it’ll be the same target age group as the characters.
Mode of Address
Within my preliminary task, mode of address wasn’t very important as it was only 15 seconds long with little dialog. With my preliminary task, we focused mostly on the editing side to adjust and adapt to the editing software ready for when it came to editing our title sequence and opening scene, with this, there wasn’t much focus on the script. Within this, I learned the dialog is important within a short film, because in the preliminary task no emotions were shown and personalities weren’t built throughout. In my feature film opening the filming and editing parts are important.
Mode of Address in my film ‘Love Triangle’ are introduced throughout with a non-diegetic voice over of Charlotte, the voice over was important for my film, as there was no diegetic dialog, therefore the non-diegetic voice over, needed to explain what was going on but in a way that engaged the audience. Therefore, the voice over was written as it was telling a story to engage the global audience. Within the voice over, the tone of Charlotte’s voice was very important, with the voice being happy in the title sequence and when talking about her three best friends, however, the tone of voice needed to change in the car park scene and the rest of film when explaining Yasmin and the situation between them. This represents the social group and who Charlotte is comfortable and uncomfortable with.
Within my preliminary task, there was gestures, with little information this made me realise how important they are in a short film as they can help tell the story. The gestures of Charlotte in the title sequence represent her happy bubbly personality when she is at home, through when she is smiling and happy throws the quilt off her body so she can get up and out of bed. The way Charlotte is holding her bag on the way to school represents her as trying to become popular with the ‘look at me’ style of holding the bag. With the gesture of Joe putting his hand over his mouth when staring at Charlotte suggests he is laughing at her is part of the ‘popular’ group as he is joining in. The gesture of Blake and Yasmin holding hands represents them as the ‘popular’ couple and presents to the audience that they are couple. Within the scene in the corridor of school, Charlotte walks in, with her head down, this gesture represents her of being in a low social group and not popular and suggests she isn’t popular. When Yasmin bumps into Charlotte in the corridor she walks off with a little smirk on her face, this suggests Yasmin is pleased with herself. Right at the end, Charlotte walks off after being humiliated by the ‘popular’ group, while Charlotte is standing there alone, frozen and shocked, she fiddles with the fence, and this gesture suggests that Charlotte feels uncomfortable, unhappy and awkward.
During my preliminary task, editing was the main focus for us to understand first cut pro programme to enable the best editing skills ready for out title sequence and opening scene. Throughout learning all new editing techniques throughout our preliminary task, I wanted to use them accurately and most effectively as possible within my feature film opening, these were, match on action and shot reverse shot. Match on action was used to build continuity within filming and also shows how the cuts fit together making the story make sense and the cuts not to jump. With this to be accurate the clips had to be cut down to a matter of seconds and to make sure they were cut at the right places to ensure the filming flowed, which can also portray different camera shots. The match on action was used in my film when Charlotte leaves her house to go to school, when opening the door to missing her walking out the door and cutting to her walking away from the door. Also with my preliminary task, I focused on sequencing which was important as the filming had to be in chronological order. This was because it was a conversation; therefore, it was important the conversation was chronological for it to make sense as Jared and Peter were asking how each other were. With this being successful in my preliminary task, I followed this skill through with my feature film opening with a story board planned to ensure this. With the chronological order of Charlotte getting ready for school, leaving for school, meeting her friends which gave Charlotte the opportunity to introduce them, to leaving it with introducing the ‘popular’ group and the hatred between not only the social groups but also Yasmin and Charlotte. It was important this was chronological or the audience wouldn’t have understood the storyline.
Another improvement and development from my preliminary task to my feature film opening was the effects such as; transitions and animations used. With my preliminary task simple and easy to edit, it didn’t include transitions and animations, therefore, adding them into my feature film opening would be a challenge. However, once I started and adjusted to the software, it was easier than I thought it would be.
The first transition I used in my film was a star transition from the company production logo to the word ‘Presents’, this transition was most suitable as it linked in with the company logo of ‘Star Production’, the slide transition was used on the word ‘Presents’ so it slide up and off the title while the title of film ‘Love Triangle slid in from the left onto the screen. To introduce Charlotte’s best friends and Blake, I used the animation of a scribble circle in a bright blue which connotes a happy mood to indicate which character was being spoken about in the voice over clearly. A pink scribble circle was used to indicate who Blake was while Charlotte explained who he was in the voice over. I used the colour pink to suggest happiness although Blake isn’t with Charlotte, he still makes her happy. I used scribble circles to make it clear to show what character was who as it looks like Charlotte has drawn them herself. For this to look realistic, I drew the circles in Photoshop quickly to make it look like someone has drawn it, I then in first cut pro, changed the colour to suit the mood and put a transition of clockwise on it, so the circle had the effect of being drawn on the screen. I also used a ‘blur’ transition on a close up of Charlotte’s face which connotes the flashback that happens afterwards and I also put the transition after the flashback which then went back to a close up of Charlotte which suggests Charlotte was thinking it which represents it was a flash back. Within the flash back, I changed the colour to make the lighting low-key which connotes the negativity between Charlotte and Yasmin. The corridor scene is Yasmin bumping into Charlotte and when they hit shoulders, I slowed the filming down to create an effect of tension. This was effective as it made it clear there was hatred for them, it explained the reason of why they didn’t get on and it made it clear the Yasmin and Charlotte made eye contact. I also added an effect which blacked out the corners of the screen which also added to the effect of it being a flashback.
development and improvement from my preliminary task to my feature film opening
was titles. With my Preliminary task being simple and short titles wasn’t
considered at all. However, within my feature film opening, titles were very
important and the size, font and positioning of them would be effective to the
title sequence and opening scene. My film started with the production logo
company which is stereotypical for a teenage angst film, followed by the word
‘presents’. The next title is the name of the film ‘Love Triangle’, originally
I wanted the title just before the opening scene started, however, once it was
filmed, put into chronological order and edited, it looked best on the first
screen next to the phone and Ipod on top of a white background. The iconography
of the light purple love heart with the title, connotes romance within the film
and the title ‘Love Triangle’ is a cliff hanger and can have a variety of
different meanings which engages the audience. The title is curly which is
stereotypical for a teenage angst film and is in the colour purple to connote a
girly girl film. The next title is ‘Directed by Faye Prout and Jared Taylor’
with the ‘Directed by’ in the curly girly font and the names in serif font to
show that it is important with ‘Directed By’ a little bigger than the names
makes the role of the people important. This title is positioned in the bottom
right hand corner while Charlotte is being panned up her body, while editing
this title suited this position and was effective on top of the filming. The
next title was ‘Produced by Naomi Page and Faye Prout’ which was positioned on
the wall to the right when Charlotte grabs her dressing gown and walks out her
room, this positioning was effective as it was placed within the filming to
make it look natural and not layered onto the filming. ‘Produced by’ is also
bigger than the name as the role is the most important information, in the
colour pink and purple which is a stereotypical favourite colours of a teenage
girl. The next title is ‘Filmed By’ which was position on the banister of the
stairs which was located there to naturally fit into the filming, it looks
effective as the dressing gown flies by and the title appears. The titles of
the names of who filmed the film, was placed on the door on the right using the
effect of a ferries wheel in the colour green which was effective on a white
background. My next title was ‘music by’ which was placed at the bottom right
screen when Charlotte is pouring the orange juice into a glass, the size of the
title is as big as the gap from the bottom of the screen to the bottom of the
glass, which makes it clear to size, in the colour blue with a strip of white
through the middles, this suggests teenage angst genre as blue a stereotypical
favourite colours for teenagers. My next title was ‘Jared Taylor and Ollie
Aveling’ which was positioned on the side of the breakfast bar in the kitchen,
the size is to fit the edge of the kitchen bar and I positioned it there as it
looked natural into the filming which is what I wanted from watching Easy A as
I thought the titles on the title sequence and opening scene were effective.
The title ‘Edited By’ was positioned on the wall on the left side of the screen
when Charlotte bounced up the last few stairs to represent Charlotte going back
up stairs. The title was big as it was a role and these are bigger than the
names, this title was also blue, however a darker blue with a light blue strip
in the middle. The next titles of ‘Faye Prout Naomi Page Jared Taylor and Ollie
Aveling’ was cross sectioned to fall down with the pjs, I positioned them like
that, because it looks effective and naturally fits into the pjs being thrown
onto the bed. ‘Faye Prout and Naomi Page’ are in a light green to stand out on
the leopard print dressing and ‘Jared Taylor and Ollie Aveling’ are in a bright
yellow and orange colour to make it stand out on the black t-shirt and also
suggests stereotypical teenage colours. The next titles are the names of Charlotte’s
best friends, with these titles, I used a bubble writing style to represent a
teenager, with a glow of blue so it looks as if the writing is coming from the
blue scribble with a fill of pink for ‘Sophie’ to present pink as Sophie’s
favourite colour as it a stereotypical favourite colour for a teenage girl. The
next title it ‘Katy’ also in bubble writing style font, with the blue
background glow, with the filling of purple, this suggests Katy’s favourite
colour is purple which a teenage girl’s stereotypical favourite colour is also.
The last name is ‘Courtney’ which also has the blue background glow, with the
fill of a darker pink which is stereotypical favourite colour for a teenage
girl. The next title is ‘Blake’, with a background colour of pink to have the
effect of the name coming out of the pink scribble circle with the fill colour
of blue as this is a stereotypical favourite colour for a teenage boy. These
character names were all positioned above the scribble circle with the effect
of the writing looking like it coming out of the circle but to make it clear
what the character was called.
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