Thursday, 26 December 2013
Star Production Logo
I made the production logo, in the production logo I used a film strip going down diagonally from top left to bottom right, this connotes the production of a film production. I also used the style 'Poplar Std' font, I used the colour yellow to connote the name the of 'star' as stars are yellow. I added the effect of a shadow behind the lettering to make it 3D and give the lettering an effect. In the film strip I put stars into the bottom and top squares of the film strip, I faded the stars to a gradient that was effective to still be seen but not to bright it takes the colour and effect from the title. I put it on a white background so the focus was just the logo and not the background, while editing the logo, I did add backgrounds on, but when editing I decided it looked better without a background therefore the logo is the focus point.
Monday, 23 December 2013
Our Story Boards
These are our story boards for our filming, each shot was planned on what we wanted within our title scene and opening scene.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Love Triangle Presentation
This was the presentation we produced to simply outline and get all of our ideas together for our film. The main plot influenced the title of 'Love Triangle' as Blake likes Yasmin, Yasmin likes Blake, Charlotte likes Blake and Yasmin hates Charlotte, this creates a triangle.Our presentation told the audience of our unique spelling point of teenage angst and producing social groups we did this as we thought it would be most successful as it'll attract the teenage audience as they can relate to the audience. Next, we spoke about our production company logo, our production company was called Star Productions,this connotes star as rating which will relate the audience to a good rating which will attract the audience to watching the film. The film strip goes diagonally across the logo, which connotes to the audience that it is a film company, the writing we used I set out to be on top of the film strip but fitting into it, so they combined together to make a logo. There was also stars put in the top and bottom part of the film strip to emphasis the star rating and the production name. We spoke about the plot and how Charlotte likes Blake, but Blake is with Yasmin who hates Charlotte. Charlotte is two years younger than Yasmin and Blake and this shows social groups as well as having Yasmin part of the popular girl group and Blake as part of the popular and sporty groups, these represent social groups within teenage angst. Afterwards, we talk individually about each character and what we expected to look like, also talking about the characters also helps link the plot together. Next we spoke about settings and locations we will use and also the music styles we want to use. After that, we spoke about the target audience of our film, as our film is about bullying within school, we set the target audience of 14-19 year olds, as they'll go to the same place every day and will be able to relate it, the story of our film also sends a message across. Our film opening conventions will be Charlotte walking into school with the credits edited into the scene, a voice over will begin of Charlotte speaking of her life along with music to build up layers. Lastly we spoke about Generic Conventions which was of a young girl dreaming being with someone older who already has a girlfriend and within the schooling environment will link to all teenagers.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Teenage Angst Mood Board
This Teenage Angst mood board represents the genre of teenage angst within well-known films. Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging presents the teenage characters and the fact they go to school. Wildchild present teenagers as like to dress up and go out and party. Twilight, Dear John and High School Musical represent the teenage love that teenagers face when growing up. This mood board also suggests the clothing and jewellery teenagers like to wear. With all the teenagers dressed up, girls wearing make up represent teenagers as caring about their appearance.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Popular teen angst film title sequences/opening scenes.
For our genre of film Teenage Angst, we researched a number of different films with the genre to get ideas for our own films. While researching these, we pointed out the sterotypical conventions so that we were able to include them in our own films. We researches Clueless, Easy A, Footloose and East to East.
Clueless includes:
- Teenage american 'girly girl' characters where their life is being explained - Upbeat non-diegetic music which suggests fun and carefree as the music is 'We're the kids in America' which is a well known pop song
- Cars which show a popular and rich character
- Hobbies for teenagers, such as; shopping
- Voice over which introduces the characters which is bitchy and sarcastic and suggests the power over her friends and dad
- Fashion and how teenagers worry about how they look
- Big and posh house
- Money orientated
- Focuses on the popular girl who has the most power within the school and over her friends
- Parties
- Titles are in bright colours and in the style of cartoon which suggests a target audience of teenagers
- Involves layered sounds; cars, laughing and music
- High-key lighting to show positivity and fun
- Title sequence isn't chronolgoical which suggests teenagers have busy lives
Easy A
Easy A includes;
- voice over talking about herself
- intoduces the favourite teacher which gages his personality through his speech with the students
- The language used represents the target audience of teenagers
- Using high-key lighting which siggests its a comedy as well as a teenage angst
- Uses low-key lighting in the flash backs of best friend and parents which suggests the difference between age groups (High-key for teenagers and Low-key for adults)
- The setting is within a choas high school which the camera tracks around the high school which suggests the film about teenagers
- Located in California -as well as the high school, it has the settings of the shopping mall and her bedroom
- The titles are placed on the floor, in trees, on signs for shops, lockers, on windows and on the walls with the titles placed naturally into the film with them lasting around 3-4 seconds so they are readable (around 15 titles)
-Shoes are tied up in the tree which represents bullies at schools which is streotypical for teenagers
- Papers fall out of books which suggests education
- Prop of a cup of coffee is used which is typical for early in the morning
- Bags are used as they are at high school which is sterotypical for a teenager to be carrying a bag
- Different fonts are used
Footloose includes:
- Long shots are used of the teenagers dancing
- Close up shots are used of different feet dancing which suggests it is a dancing and performing film
- Teenage characters
- Setting of a party which is significant to teenagers
- Tracking is used of the girls dancing
- Empty red cups all over the floor which suggests the iconography is that they are old enough drink and that they don't tidy up after themselves
- All enjoying themselves and having fun
- The setting is as if the world has been created for the teenagers
- Partying which is sterotypical for teenagers as dancing, drinking, singing and have fun suggest teenagers are care free and happy
- Represents a social group of young adults of both genders
- The social groups are mixed race which suggest a cultural representation
- No disabilities
- No children
- No older age group
- Titles are Serif in neon lights which are joined up in the style of hand writing
- Connotation of the opening and title scene connotes shows, partying, dancing and singing
- The setting is also a stage as on the close up of the feet, the floor is moving when they are dancing
- Also the setting is outside
- The music is loud and upbeat which connotes partying and dancing
- Diegetic sound is used of them singing along
- Diegetic sound when the car crash happens
- The sound is layered, non-diegetic sound of the music, diegetic sound of them singing along, feet dancing on the stage, teengers talking in the car and the sound effects of the car crash
- Titles/Credits are in the same style, colour and size The Opening scene starts when the teenagers get into the car and the music starts. However the opening scene could also start when the teenagers have a car crash.
East to East
East to East includes;
- Up beat, loud non-diegetic music
- The colour white is used for the titles/credits
- The setting focuses on a relgious parade
- Teenagers are sneaking about and causing trouble which is stereotypical of teenagers
- Setting of a community celebration which suggests the community are close
- British
- Family orientated which suggests the families are close not only as a family but with other families too
- The film also suggests social realism therefore connotes real people who are working class and ordinary
- Children
- Different generations, children, teenagers, adults and the older generation
- Located in Manchester
Clueless includes:
- Teenage american 'girly girl' characters where their life is being explained - Upbeat non-diegetic music which suggests fun and carefree as the music is 'We're the kids in America' which is a well known pop song
- Cars which show a popular and rich character
- Hobbies for teenagers, such as; shopping
- Voice over which introduces the characters which is bitchy and sarcastic and suggests the power over her friends and dad
- Fashion and how teenagers worry about how they look
- Big and posh house
- Money orientated
- Focuses on the popular girl who has the most power within the school and over her friends
- Parties
- Titles are in bright colours and in the style of cartoon which suggests a target audience of teenagers
- Involves layered sounds; cars, laughing and music
- High-key lighting to show positivity and fun
- Title sequence isn't chronolgoical which suggests teenagers have busy lives
Easy A
Easy A includes;
- voice over talking about herself
- intoduces the favourite teacher which gages his personality through his speech with the students
- The language used represents the target audience of teenagers
- Using high-key lighting which siggests its a comedy as well as a teenage angst
- Uses low-key lighting in the flash backs of best friend and parents which suggests the difference between age groups (High-key for teenagers and Low-key for adults)
- The setting is within a choas high school which the camera tracks around the high school which suggests the film about teenagers
- Located in California -as well as the high school, it has the settings of the shopping mall and her bedroom
- The titles are placed on the floor, in trees, on signs for shops, lockers, on windows and on the walls with the titles placed naturally into the film with them lasting around 3-4 seconds so they are readable (around 15 titles)
-Shoes are tied up in the tree which represents bullies at schools which is streotypical for teenagers
- Papers fall out of books which suggests education
- Prop of a cup of coffee is used which is typical for early in the morning
- Bags are used as they are at high school which is sterotypical for a teenager to be carrying a bag
- Different fonts are used
Footloose includes:
- Long shots are used of the teenagers dancing
- Close up shots are used of different feet dancing which suggests it is a dancing and performing film
- Teenage characters
- Setting of a party which is significant to teenagers
- Tracking is used of the girls dancing
- Empty red cups all over the floor which suggests the iconography is that they are old enough drink and that they don't tidy up after themselves
- All enjoying themselves and having fun
- The setting is as if the world has been created for the teenagers
- Partying which is sterotypical for teenagers as dancing, drinking, singing and have fun suggest teenagers are care free and happy
- Represents a social group of young adults of both genders
- The social groups are mixed race which suggest a cultural representation
- No disabilities
- No children
- No older age group
- Titles are Serif in neon lights which are joined up in the style of hand writing
- Connotation of the opening and title scene connotes shows, partying, dancing and singing
- The setting is also a stage as on the close up of the feet, the floor is moving when they are dancing
- Also the setting is outside
- The music is loud and upbeat which connotes partying and dancing
- Diegetic sound is used of them singing along
- Diegetic sound when the car crash happens
- The sound is layered, non-diegetic sound of the music, diegetic sound of them singing along, feet dancing on the stage, teengers talking in the car and the sound effects of the car crash
- Titles/Credits are in the same style, colour and size The Opening scene starts when the teenagers get into the car and the music starts. However the opening scene could also start when the teenagers have a car crash.
East to East
East to East includes;
- Up beat, loud non-diegetic music
- The colour white is used for the titles/credits
- The setting focuses on a relgious parade
- Teenagers are sneaking about and causing trouble which is stereotypical of teenagers
- Setting of a community celebration which suggests the community are close
- British
- Family orientated which suggests the families are close not only as a family but with other families too
- The film also suggests social realism therefore connotes real people who are working class and ordinary
- Children
- Different generations, children, teenagers, adults and the older generation
- Located in Manchester
Friday, 6 December 2013
Similarities of the four Teenage Angst film I have researched
While researching Teenage Angst films and after looking at, Easy A, Footlose, Clueless and East to East, I recognised a few Similarities.
- There is always a central character which is normally a teenage girl.
Regina George is the centred and 'popular' teenager within the film 'Mean Girls'.

- The theme of the film is related to growing up Georgia and Ellen from 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging' are applying make up which connotes growing up.

- The setting/Location is either their homes or their high school/college. The image is a PE class in the film 'Mean Girls' this connotes teenage angst genre is centered around a high school/college.
- In films the lighting is mostly set as High-key - Props used are always related to the setting Olive from 'Easy A' at in a classroom with papers in front of her, this connotes that she is in education. However, she also has her phone in her hand, this connotes the obbession teenagers have with their phones.
- Voiceovers are common which are used to introduce the central character and other characters.
- Colours and the style of fonts within the titles/credits are bright colours which connote funny to the audience. This is the title of the film 'Clueless' the title uses colours and stereotypically bubble writing which connotes to teenagers

- Some can be animated
- There is always a central character which is normally a teenage girl.
Regina George is the centred and 'popular' teenager within the film 'Mean Girls'.

- The theme of the film is related to growing up Georgia and Ellen from 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging' are applying make up which connotes growing up.

- The setting/Location is either their homes or their high school/college. The image is a PE class in the film 'Mean Girls' this connotes teenage angst genre is centered around a high school/college.
- In films the lighting is mostly set as High-key - Props used are always related to the setting Olive from 'Easy A' at in a classroom with papers in front of her, this connotes that she is in education. However, she also has her phone in her hand, this connotes the obbession teenagers have with their phones.
- Voiceovers are common which are used to introduce the central character and other characters.
- Colours and the style of fonts within the titles/credits are bright colours which connote funny to the audience. This is the title of the film 'Clueless' the title uses colours and stereotypically bubble writing which connotes to teenagers

- Some can be animated
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Conventions of a Teenage Angst Film
While researching Teeange Angst films, although I found similarities between the different films I was able to make a list of the conventions of a Teenage Angst film.
- Teenage characters
- Always an aspect of 'fun' - Drinking, dancing and singing
- Parties
- Up beat and loud diegetic music
- Films also connote a bad representation of teenagers
- Focuses on social groups mainly in high school/college
- High-key lighting used
- Values; friendships and relationships (Hedionism)
- Teenage characters
- Always an aspect of 'fun' - Drinking, dancing and singing
- Parties
- Up beat and loud diegetic music
- Films also connote a bad representation of teenagers
- Focuses on social groups mainly in high school/college
- High-key lighting used
- Values; friendships and relationships (Hedionism)
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