Friday, 18 October 2013

Preliminary Task

In our Preliminary Task We had to use shot reverse shot, 180 degree and match on action.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Throughout my editing process of my Swede

Throughout editing my Swede I learnt in depth how to edit correctly using the correct software, as I completed Creative and Media as a Diploma in Year 11, I was taught the basics of editing which was useful with editing terms however, throughout editing my swede my knowledge has expanded. I learnt the different effects, the easier ways to cut and how to use the correct programme.

Throughout editing our Swede I had to put the filming in the correct order. I then listened through once to make sure the sound was working. Afterwards I then listened through carefully and step by step cut out the filming that wasn't needed or anything I filmed twice just in case the first attempt wasn't a good standard. Once everything was cut out that wasn't needed, I then learned how to add titles and credits where necessary. Afterwards, I then added an effect to the TV on the last part of filming. This was improvisation within the editing process as I didn't have time to film the ending that I wanted therefore I improvised and made an ending that made sense with what was available to me. By doing this, I got a picture off the internet, saved the image and inserted it into my swede. I then cropped the image down and placed it onto the computer screen. I think this went successfully and with more time the look of it would have been more successful by using the software 'Photoshop' to blend the colours making them look real. As the image did fit onto the screen the only disadvantage was the TV screen and the image I got from the internet were different colours and this was visible. However, although this does show the ending still became successful as it fitted in with the swede.

Throughout my process of editing, I learnt how to use a whole new software, learning how to cut, delete, split filming into two, using the timeline to place the right filming in order, learning how to add titles and add effects.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

What happens in pre-production film?

Pre-production refers to the tasks that are undertaken before the production begins. What is included in this stage of pre-production depends on the medium and situation., e.g, for a small video company, pre-production may be referred to everything that happens before the shooting begins such as; meeting with clients, research, planning and scene setting. However, for film producing, pre-production is more specific. Pre-production for film producing could include; location, prop and wardrobe preparation, special effects, production scheme, set construction, a finalised script and a script read through with cast, directors and other parties.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

What problems did I encounter from producing a swede?

While I produced my own swede of 'The Ring', I didn't encounter many problems. Our main problem and possibly only problem we had was the surrounding. With every shot planned with detailed drawings, camera shot and angle I knew what I wanted to film. However, the scene of the swede was set in a house which was difficult in the school surrounding. However, I improvised with old sofas in the back of sixth form, did a camera shot of just the two girls sitting on the sofa at an angle that wouldn't let the audience know it was a school surrounding.

What did I learn from producing a swede?

While producing a swede of 'The Ring', I learnt every detail needs to be planned, as every shot needed to planned with a specific camera shot and angle. These need to be chosen appropriately as I can create a huge impact on the audience. With everything planned preciously controls time keeping as time isn't wasted recording the same thing because it went wrong. I learnt that time consuming is very important as a large amount needs to be filmed in a short space of time. I also learnt that the surrounding of filming is the most important. I found this because if the scene isn't set with the surrounding the whole scene won't make sense, with filming this needed to be improvised.